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Our recruiters love partnering with Thorn, our hiring managers love dealing with Thorn, and I love working with Thorn. They are my premier partner for now and for the future. I value the work Thorn does at the top of the funnel so that I can focus on the work at the bottom of the funnel. It's a perfect partnership that has helped me balance my busy, demanding work load.

I've had the pleasure of working with the Thorn team for over 10 years, and the experiences just keep getting better. They are professional, thorough, organized, and especially talented in the areas of networking and relationship building.
Amanda was born in Smithfield, NC, has lived in 8 states, and has called Irving, TX home for the past 26 years. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Communications from Purdue University in 1991. She began her career as a Recruiter with the recruitment research firm from which Thorn was founded, and has enjoyed a 31-year career with the company.
Thorn delivers fully screened qualified and interested candidates for your hard to fill positions. You own Thorn for six weeks and we will provide you hundreds of names, bios, and contacts from your preferred sources. From its beginning, Thorn has specialized in finding the "purple squirrel" talent not responding to your conventional methods.
Thorn Network, Inc. was established in 1995 by professionals who sought to refine the recruitment research process to function at its peak performance level. Since that time, we are proud to have become one of the most respected and recognized recruitment research firms in the country.
At Thorn Network, we believe it is important to be involved in the local community by providing assistance to those less fortunate. That's why we are proud to support a variety of local charities and businesses throughout the DFW area. Since we are driven to connect with those in our community who mean the most to us, we have welcomed the opportunity to serve and support, and we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Our mission is to make a difference in our community and give people an experience they might not otherwise have access to.
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